Dayton Truck Tires


Bridgestone, a global leader in tire manufacturing, aimed to enhance its online presence for the Dayton truck tires division.

They sought to develop a user-friendly website that would effectively showcase their products and services. Leveraging the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) platform, along with robust Java backend components, the goal was to create a seamless browsing experience across various browsers, platforms, and operating systems.


  1. Platform Selection: Choosing the right platform to ensure scalability, flexibility, and ease of content management.
  2. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensuring the website functions flawlessly across different web browsers.
  3. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Making sure the website performs consistently on various platforms, including desktop, mobile, and tablet.
  4. Cross-OS Compatibility: Ensuring compatibility across different operating systems such as Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
  5. Integration of Technologies: Incorporating HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular.js, and Java seamlessly within the AEM environment.


  1. Platform Selection: After thorough analysis, Adobe AEM was chosen for its robust content management capabilities, scalability, and integration possibilities.
  2. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Employed best practices in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript development to ensure compatibility with popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  3. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Utilized responsive web design principles to create a fluid layout that adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing experience across devices.
  4. Cross-OS Compatibility: Rigorous testing across various operating systems and devices to identify and address any compatibility issues.
  5. Integration of Technologies: Leveraged the versatility of Adobe AEM to integrate frontend technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and Angular.js with the Java backend seamlessly.


  1. Frontend Development: Developed responsive frontend components using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and Angular.js to create a visually appealing and interactive user interface.
  2. Backend Development: Implemented robust backend functionalities using Java to handle data processing, user authentication, and integration with third-party services.
  3. Adobe AEM Integration: Integrated frontend and backend components within the Adobe AEM platform to facilitate easy content management and seamless deployment.
  4. Testing and Quality Assurance: Conducted comprehensive testing across different browsers, platforms, and operating systems to ensure a consistent user experience and identify and fix any compatibility issues promptly.

Outcome:The Dayton Truck Tires website was successfully launched, meeting Bridgestone's objectives of enhancing online presence and providing a user-friendly browsing experience. The website's compatibility across browsers, platforms, and operating systems was commendable, thanks to meticulous development and testing efforts. Users can now access the website seamlessly on various devices, allowing Bridgestone to effectively showcase its products and services to a broader audience.

Conclusion:By leveraging the Adobe AEM platform and employing a combination of frontend and backend technologies, we successfully delivered a robust and user-friendly website for Bridgestone's Dayton truck tires division. The seamless integration of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular.js, and Java ensured cross-browser, cross-platform, and cross-OS compatibility, enhancing the overall user experience and contributing to Bridgestone's online success.

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