"M7 was born out of a desire to cut through the often complex and impersonal nature of tech agencies and large companies"


Your On-Demand Software Partner

Welcome to where practical, no-nonsense software development meets passion and precision, led by me, Maria Saavedra. My journey through the intricacies of crafting software has taught me a vital lesson: the real worth in our field lies not in the lines of code but in how we distill your vision into something clear and straightforward.

M7 was born out of a desire to cut through the often complex and impersonal nature of tech agencies and large companies. When you work with M7, you're working directly with me. Have a large project? I've cultivated a network of talented creatives and developers, ready to be tapped on an as-needed basis. This flexible structure means you get exactly what you need, when you need it, without paying for extra overhead or complexity.

I offer a weekly or monthly retainer, providing clarity and predictability without unexpected surprises.
No strings, no equity – just pure, collaborative creation.

My story is one of genuine passion and perseverance. From tinkering with discarded electronics as a child to leading innovative projects as a CTO, every step has been driven by a love for technology and a commitment to excellence.

I believe in keeping communication straightforward, ensuring that your ideas are heard, understood, and brought to life just as you envision.

With a tight-knit network of creatives and tech minds, we pivot and adapt, ensuring that what we build today stands out tomorrow. Join us, and let's create something that echoes.

let's work!